Variable Speed Pumps | Products
High performance variable speed pumps deliver the exact amount of water needed to perform different tasks. They are adaptable to any pool, spa or water feature application. With its onboard computer, we simply program the proper rate of flow to suit the application. Variable speed pumps can bring incredible energy efficiency to existing pools and spas by cutting energy used up to 90%* This same technology has been used in the Hybrid cars and has trickled down to the pool industry. We carry all the major variable speed pump brands such as Pentair, Sta-Rite, and Hayward.
Savings based on comparison pump running between 6 and 12 hours per day at the national average of 15 cents/kilowatt hour in a 20,000 gallon pool. Actual savings may vary based on plumbing size and length, pump model, service factor, flow rates, and other hydraulic factors.